Sunday, October 05, 2008

Class of 1958

These are some photos that Melvin Schuab, class of 1958 brought to the planning meeting on Oct. 4th, 2008 and loaned them to me so I could scan them and share with others.


Pg040 (Small)This is Melvin and Jackie Heinesh (58) getting ready to go hunting in Fredrickburg, TX.

Pg041 (Small) Martha (Achterberg) McDonald (58) and Claudine (Voges) Burgess.  We were not able to identify the third person.  Maybe someone can help.

Pg042 (Small)  Malford Orth (58) and another unidentified person.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

New Orleans 1967

John Kilpper (1967) wrote:

Don Schneider, Gary Martin and myself (John Kilpper) on a wild and crazy 3 days in New Orleans in 1967.  At 18 years of age we could legally drink and we put away a lot of "Hurricanes".  We stayed in an old building that should have been condemned and only had one king size bed but that's another story.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bill White - 1964

P1020278 I had this taken of me in June 2008.  It seems like I am always the one behind the camera and never in front of it and that normally suits me just fine.  But if I am asking others to send in pictures, then I have to set the example.

Beachwood Bums Surf Club

BC1 Douglas Maahs (67)sent in this photo of Bill Cain (64) and Bill Cain explains "the one on the beach was prolly in '65 at Port Aransas.  Our little neighborhood surf club (BBSC- Beachwood Bums Surf Club) built surfboards in my garage from kits mail-ordered from a company named Plastic Mart.  The photo is me scratching "Plastic Mart" in the sand, intentionally mimicking an ad in Surfer Magazine from a high-end surfboard manufacturer in California.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some game picture

Bill&Diane Bill Cain sent in this photo he believes was taken in 1965 at a football game. John Kilpper believes it was a Basketball game.  Whatever it was a game. 

L to R back row:  Rick Chabot (67), Bill Cain (64), Diane Haddock (67)

L to R front: Gary Martin (67), Scott McGinnis (67) and John Kilpper (67).

Intruders_Backyard Bill Cain on the far left and David McDowell ( Ro-Hawk) with the sunglasses, Doug McGinnis (65) is on the far right. The other member of the band was from San Antonio. The band was called the "Intruders" and Bill says they played around San Antonio and Randolph for 2 years.

000_0006 Bill Cain and his guitar collection in May of 2006. Bill says that he and Bill Haines (1964) are neighbors in the Dallas and they get together and play some of the old songs.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Duane Brooks (64) sent me this picture of the Boys and Girls Track team. It must have been taken in 1959 in the gym at the Jr. High in Cibolo. It includes the classes of 1964, 1965 and 1966.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

JoAnn (Gwinn) Malir (Class of 1956) with her Husband of 51 years, Larry Malir.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Jack Chisenhall's Open House


This was one of the more interesting autos at Jack's Open House.  It has a Bar-B-Q grill in the truck complete with a blower to help start the fire.  It also has a beer keg tap right behind the drivers side door.





The funny car with the body raised belongs to Henry Gutierrez (63).  Henry was there but I didn't get a picture of him.  The funny car to the right of Henry's belongs to Gordon Chisenhall (63).  Gordon was there too but I didn't get a picture of him either.


Billy (Pete) Denham (65) was there checking out the action.


John Bowings (64) and Kathleen ( Thornell) Bowings (65) were there, seen here checking out the Green El Camino owned by Jack's son John.






Talk about a contrast in automobiles.


The purple roadster, third from the left, belongs to Gordon Chisenhall (63)


These are just a few of the cars that I took pictures of while I was there.  There were a lot more and it was a very interesting day if you enjoy classic cars and seeing classmates and I enjoy doing both.