Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jim Nelson (58), Pat (Mayfield) Oliver (61), Jerry Day (58), Jim Bowers (honorary 58), Margaret (White) Heinesh (63), Carol (Borders) Bowers (63) and Bill White (64) at NIOSA during FIESTA 2007. I am very happy to report that a good time was had by all and no one was arrested. A special "thanks" to Jack Heinesh (58) for taking and picking us up from the local park and ride. We had a great time.

Jim Nelson (58) serving drinks (?) at NIOSA during FIESTA 2007
Cliff Rowell (64) and Jerry Spencer (64) at Kings Creek golf course, Springhill, TN

Cliff and Jerry being escorted off the golf course for "inferior play and unsportsmanship like conduct".

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Barney Smith (62) and his wife Kathy

Jerry Spencer (64), Jerry's wife Ruth and Mike Booker (64)

Jerry Spencer (64) and his Granddaughter Reagan.