Saturday, July 28, 2007

We had a great time getting the registration forms ready for the mail. We met at Malford (62) and Vivian (Sandifer) (63) Brehm's house for lunch, fun and a little work. Walt (54) and Rita Edmonson, Margaret (White) Heinesh (63), Barbara (Novasad) Merkel (61), Gordon Chisenhall (63), Vivian and Carol (Borders) Bowers (63). Malford and James Merkel (62) are out doing something important for the reunion cause and I (Bill White 1964) am behind the camera.

Some of your hard working reunion committee members working to get the registrations forms ready for the mail.

Walter Edmonson (1954) and his bride, Rita. Rita has done so much helping with the reunions over the years, she has been named an honorary graduate of SCHS. Margaret (White) Heinesh (1963) helping Walt and Rita get the registration forms ready for the mail.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Janet (Watkins) Jendron who graduated from Randolph High in 1965 sent me this picture of her and Jim Ewart (SCHS 64) taken at a July the 4th picnic. Jim is a friend with someone who works with Janet's Husband. Jim is living in SC so I assume this was taken someplace in that area. It is a small world where we run across people from our home towns all over the world.

Linda (William) Brown (66) and Bill White (64) at Mission San Jose in San Antonio. We were allowed to go down to the water wheel at the mill which is normally locked to the public. This is a spot where a lot of the pictures taken for the 1964 Buffalo Stampede were taken. It was nice to recall where I was back in 1964 and many of the classmates who are no longer with us.